
It is imprative to have a website if you are a business, but if nobody ever visits your website then all that time and money spent on website design is wasted. You need to drive traffic to your website. It doesn’t happen on its own in most cases. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this, but SEO is probably the single most important method of driving organic, targeted traffic to your website.

Search Engine Optimization, in short, is the concerted effort to gain top results in search engines. For example, if I own a dog walking service in Miami, FL, I would probably want to rank at the top of Google search results for search phrases like “dog walking Miami”.

The top 3 search results account for over 60% of traffic across all searches on Google.


Clearly, if your website is ranking on page 5 for your most important search phrases (also called keywords, or keyword phrases), then you have very little chance of someone actually searching for your business category actually finding you. This is where we can help.

We follow best practices to produce measurable results in your traffic. This means that we do not use spammy or black hat techniques to achieve results. This ensures that your rankings will hold strong over time. We provide two main approaches to SEO:

1. On-site SEO – This is the primary approach to SEO and includes all of the SEO-controllable factors on the website itself. Content is king, as the saying goes. As such, we will make sure your content is consistent with what Google is looking for when it considers ranking your site. We will also optimize your site’s title tag and description. It’s important for every page of the website to present a consistent theme and we will ensure that all of your pages are unique and consistent.

2. Off-site SEO – This aspect of SEO is much more time consuming and involved. There are a variety of criteria that are used by the major search engines, like Google, to rank your website. Some of these criteria include: links back to your website (backlinks), load speed, content, meta tags, social media activity, local directories (Yellow Pages, Yelp, etc.) and many more. We will work on all these aspects to increase your ranking. We also provide extensive reports that allow you to see the progress month to month.

We offer SEO packages as well as an hourly rate. Contact us today for a free quote tailored specifically for your business.