
It can be frustrating trying to learn how to use a computer.

Let us simplify it for you!

computer educationWe are computer experts and want everyone to enjoy the thrill of having access to a computer. This is not an idle passion. Every year we give time and money to charities working to put every child in the world in touch with a computer. In today’s world, it’s no longer a “geek only” technology. The internet is truly remarkable and should be enjoyed by everyone.

If you are new to computers or would like to take your knowledge to the next level, we are the people you want. We will take the time to sit down with you and patiently instruct you on how to use the computer. Furthermore, we will provide expert advice on best practices and how to avoid security threats online.

We offer this service at half our normal fees because we believe that it is important for everyone to use computers and we hope that our expertise encourages you to use our services in the future.

Please call us for a free quote for Computer Education. We promise to give you quality service at a price that is both reasonable and competitive.