PC Tech Support Scams

PC Tech Support Scams

These scams have been increasing in frequency lately. Arm yourself with the knowledge to spot these malicious attempts to extort money from you. PCMatic has a great blog post about the three common approaches these villains take and how to avoid them....
Windows 10 is Arriving Tomorrow

Windows 10 is Arriving Tomorrow

By now you may have heard that Microsoft is releasing the newest version of its Windows operating system, Windows 10. They will begin selling it online tomorrow, July 29, and will also start to roll it out to those that have indicated that they would like a free...

Windows Update kb3058515 Error 80092004

This update has caused a bit of a problem recently. The update is related to Internet Explorer 11 and is listed as a critical update by Microsoft. It patches a security vulnerability that can allow an attacker to gain control of a host computer. Obviously this is an...
The Best Antivirus Solutions

The Best Antivirus Solutions

Viruses, Trojans, Malware, Rootkits…they all spell disaster. The best way to deal with these threats to your data and computer access is to be proactive; using a multi-tiered approach. In this article, I’ll explain some of the ways viruses infect computers...