
Sometimes you just have to let it go

As a general rule of thumb, you can expect a laptop to be efficient for 3 years. After this time, it may even become a necessity to upgrade if you are running software that requires features found only in the latest update.

But this is not a requirement for some users. I’ve had clients bring in 8-10 year old laptops that were still functioning, but had some minor issues.They were happy to keep using their old laptops.

It works for me

Many PC users don’t have any problem with using older technology. This is great! Electronic gadgets should be run until they can run no more (or at least not without computer repair costs that exceed its value).

We’ve reached an era where compatibility reigns king. With the proliferation of mobile devices (iPads, smartphones, etc.), there is a necessity to provide content to all users on all platforms. I bring this up because it means that computers, tablets, etc. can run for many more years without requiring upgrades (for most users).

Without going into geeky monologue, let’s just say that the latest operating systems and hardware innovations will provide for better long-term computers. Whether you choose Microsoft, Linux, or Mac, they will all provide more for most users. With the latest upgrades to both Intel and AMD‘s lineups, we are looking at solid CPU’s that will out-perform on most user’s needs for years to come.

I need a better computer/I run a business

If you run a business, it’s a good idea to use the most stable platform available to you.

Likewise, you might just be a home user that is tired of the overheating, heavy, slow, and old laptop you have.

Home User

Don’t feel guilty about wanting to upgrade when you have a perfectly functioning laptop. I would especially recommend an upgrade if you are still running Vista. 🙂

If you buy a laptop right now, you can get a great deal. Microsoft is about to release Windows 8 and all new laptops will likely ship with this already installed. Distributors are going to want to be clearing their stock of “old” Windows 7 laptops to make way for the new Windows 8. This means that you can probably get some great deals on laptops right now and in the near future.

Another noteworthy recent event is the unveiling of the Ivy Bridge processors from Intel. These are effectively the 3rd generation of the i3-i5-i7 lineup. Any new laptop you buy today that has Intel will have these latest chips. Again, I’ll refrain from too much geekiness, but these chips have 3D technology. This means that they’ve stacked cores on top of each other, much like a skyscraper. This translates to better processing power and quicker response, which is going to be key for mobile devices in the future.

Business Computer Users

Stability is king. You want a business technological solution that meets your business’s needs and delivers 100% with little to no maintenance.

The reality of this is that it’s going to cost you quite a bit of money. Between IT staff/consultants, software upgrades, computer repair, and the myriad of other technological complexities (VPN, Cloud, Exchange, etc.), it can be a nightmare to think about upgrading computers. Often times, budget concerns trump any upgrade plan anyway.

But these things are necessary. If you want your business to thrive today and into the future, you need to think about your infrastructure. Do you have the latest security measures? Are you seamlessly backing up everything? Do you have secure (company private) networks in place for employees on the move? The questions are many, but the main point is that new technologies offer new challenges.

If you’d like to discuss various IT options and how to streamline your technology upgrades on a budget, please contact us.