
Here is a nice site you can use to create a free, high quality backlink to your website. Creating backlinks for your site is a key element of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google and other search engines rank your site in the search results by considering a number of factors related to your website. One of the primary variables search engines like Google use to determine ranking is the number and quality of websites that link to your site. By creating links to your site, Google and other search engines consider your site to be more and more popular. The more links pointing to your site the better!

Hint: PR7 refers to PageRank 7. PageRank is a system Google uses to evaluate sites based on a myriad of different variables.

You can find out how many links you have pointing to your site by using a free tool offered by Yahoo called Site Explorer. You can type in a web address and it will show you how many pages exist at that address as well as the incoming links (backlinks) that Yahoo has found across the internet. You do not need a Yahoo account to use this.

Once you have found out how many backlinks your site has, take a moment to look at the domains that are pointing to you (hopefully you have some). By noting these domains, you can check back at a later date and ensure that your new links are being found. You can also view the links that Google finds by going to the Google Webmaster Tools, which is also free but requires a Google account and a bit more to set up.

Take a moment to look at your competitors links by using Site Explorer. If you look at your number one competitor, you will realize the importance of link building. Chances are good that they have hundreds, or even thousands of links pointing to their site. To compete with them and your other competitors, you must have a link building campaign.

There are various ways in which to build links. The typical outlets for link building include website directories, blogs, forums, social media, and press releases. The PR7 link included in this post is a forum style link. It requires you to register with the site and then verify your account via email. Once your account is verified, you sign in and go to your profile, where you place the link.

Click here for the free PR7 SEO backlink!

NOTE: This site actually wants new members that participate at the site and add something to the community. Take some time to explore the site and don’t hesitate to interact and show involvement. Some website owners find it abusive for members to sign up, post links, and never come back again. Don’t present yourself as a spammer and you can be assured that your link will last shall it be scrutinized by the administrators of the site. Besides, it’s a pretty cool site, similar to Pandora, but for art.

Disclaimer: I assume no liability for anything you do at the site linked above. By following the instructions below, you assume all liability.

Here are the instructions for creating your backlink:

Click on the link above and once on the site, click on “Sign up” in the upper right corner of the site. You will need to fill in your credentials, making sure to provide a valid email address. After signing up, you will receive an email that contains a link that enables you to confirm your account. Once you have confirmed your account, sign in to your account. You will see your username with “[view my profile]” next to it. Click on “View my profile” and you will be taken to your profile page. Once there, you will see “[edit my profile]” next to your user name. Click on that and then scroll down to the section labeled “Bio”.

In this box you will need to enter your website using html code. Here is the code you need to enter. You only need to substitute ‘https://www.example.com’ with the name of your own domain and your keywords. (copy and paste)

<a href=”https://www.example.com”>Your keywords here</a>

Example: I run a website about dogsledding called https://www.dogsleddingbackcountry.com. The keyword phrase I want to rank high for is “dog sledding Arkansas”. So I would enter:

<a href=”https://www.dogsleddingbackcountry.com”>Dog Sledding Arkansas</a>

That’s all there is to it! You will now have a link pointing to your site. Rinse, lather, repeat for other sites to continue to increase your backlinks.

As you can see, the process is tedious and takes a bit of time to find a good site to get a link from and then actually create the link. We are SEO specialists and can create an effective backlink campaign for you. You sit back and watch your rankings rise while we do all the work. More information can be found on our SEO page and you can always contact us for more information or a custom quote.