August Special – New Desktop Computer $325
Don’t buy one of those crappy computers you get at the big box stores. Get something that will last you for years with the assurance that you are using a computer custom built with quality parts. Specs include:
* AMD dual core processor
* Biostar mATX motherboard
* 500GB Seagate hard drive
* Sony DVD Burner
* Surround sound audio
* Built-in video
* Diablotek power supply

All for $370 ($325 is your total cost after mail-in rebates).
This includes everything but the monitor and operating system (though I can install linux for you for free – or you could possibly use an old windows disk if you have one). Most people already have a monitor, so this is not an issue.

I just built one myself and it is a great machine. I’m going to use mine as a all-in-one computer by using it for work and also as a media center to stream videos, music, Hulu, Netflix, etc. while connected to my TV as a monitor. This is *way* better than buying a computer from Dell, HP, etc. because you get individual warranties on each component. If your hard drive goes dead four years from now, it’s free to replace. If your power supply goes dead 2 years from now, it is free to replace. Motherboard dies 3 years from now, free to replace. No need to spend hundreds on an extended warranty. Plus, I’m local, so I can help you diagnose any future problems and replace the parts for a small fee. But, you probably will not ever need the warranties because this is a solid system built with quality components. Also, if you want to upgrade any of the parts, that’s not a problem.
This offer is only available for a very limited time (the parts are on sale right now), so contact me very soon if you want one.